Tax Return - Self Assessment

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Tax Return - Self Assessment

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." - Albert Einstein.   

At JHW we aim to make your Self-Assessment Tax Return as easy as it can be from clearly setting out what needs to be declared to save you every penny in tax.

But what is a Self-Assessment?

Your Self-Assessment Tax Return is a way of reporting your income to HMRC and calculating your tax liabilities each year. With all the available allowances and deductions, the calculations are more important than ever to save you money.

Do you need to file a 


You don't usually need to send a return if your only income is from your job or if you have a pension. But you may need to send one if you have any other untaxed income.

This can include:

  • You're a self-employed sole trader and turned over more than £1,000
  • You're a partner in a partnership
  • You received the SEISS grant
  • You earned more than £50,000 and received child benefit
  • You're a Company director
  • You earned £2,500 or more in untaxed income, for example renting out a property
  • You received income from outside the UK
  • You have savings or investment income of more than £10,000 before tax

When do you need to file your return?

Your tax return must be filed by the 31st of January each year. This gives you almost 10 months after the tax year end to file your taxes and pay any liabilities you may owe. More than 10.2 million people filed their 2020/21 tax returns in January 2022. We can make sure your tax return gets filed with much more notice when working with you.

If you miss the deadline for submitting your Self-Assessment Tax Return, you will be immediately charged a penalty of £100. The longer you take to file the tax return after missing the deadline, the more HMRC with penalise you.  Please speak to us to get you back up to date with your taxes and set you on a stable path.

With our tax return service, we can remove the headaches involved with submitting your self-assessment tax return, ensuring it is accurate, on time and that you receive any tax savings you may be entitled to. Once appointed as authorised agents with HMRC, we can deal with them directly, saving you much time and frustration of being on hold.

At JHW we minimize the risk of an inquiry from HMRC into your personal tax affairs

We provide tax efficient ways to help you save money where it matters most. Our friendly team has an extensive understanding of personal tax advice, planning, and compliance, working with a variety of clients in many different situations. Our services provide a cost-effective option for individuals with complex tax queries such as inheritance tax, capital gains tax, and advice for trusts and estates.