VAT Services

HMRC Making Tax Digital

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HMRC Making Tax Digital requires all VAT returns to be submitted through compatible software

If you have not found the software you are comfortable with, we can help. We will speak to you about your business and what we can do to make the VAT process as painless as possible whether you are short on time or computer illiterate, there are always tailored solutions available with us. 

We can aid you in the setting up of new software, or even your current one, so the software can do the work for you whether on your core accounting system or introducing a leading data-capture app to take the grind out of data entry.

Ever-changing regulations and legislation

With the complexities of ever-changing regulations and legislation of VAT, careful planning is required, to ensure you are compliant and that your business is paying only the required amount. Our team is experienced in all aspects of VAT and our knowledgeable advice can help avoid making costly mistakes and achieve big savings.

Depending on your business, you may be paying VAT earlier than you have to. If you provide your customers with long credit terms, then you may be paying VAT to HMRC before your customer has even paid you! If this is the case, you should consider the cash accounting VAT scheme. This scheme, however, would not be suitable for those businesses in the retail or hospitality industries where your receive payment before you pay your suppliers. The accrual scheme is much more suitable. We look at our clients on an individual basis to provide our expertly informed advice to help the cash flow of your business.

Our VAT return process is simple

  1. We will let you know your VAT returns are due at the start of the period whether it's quarterly, annually or even monthly. 
  2. If you do not use our bookkeeping services, we confirm with you that you have updated your records for the period. 
  3. We review the transactions and postings to ensure VAT compliance. 
  4. Notify you of any corrections we have made and potentially provide frequent VAT -saving advice with things noticed in the review. 
  5. Complete your VAT return for your approval with notes on why figures have changed from the previous quarter to give you an understanding of your VAT position. 
  6. Submit your VAT return to HMRC and advise on when you need to make payment.

Never miss a deadline

We offer help and advice throughout any part of the VAT cycle, with guidance on regulations and compliance. Make sure you never miss a deadline and avoid any nasty HMRC penalties!